My testimonial about what
the curcumin did for my body.

Since I was 45 I have had severe osteoarthritis in my back and neck. Was dependent on increasingly heavy medication such as morphine, fentanyl patches and tramadol. Had to shower in a shower chair and also with help at home. Nerves on the right side were stuck, but surgery was too much risk.
I was still grateful to be alive.
When I received the golden drops from a very dear friend in September 2023, I was skeptical and didn’t believe in it. It gave me sickness, the flu, earache, all kinds of annoying ailments and I wanted to stop after 6 weeks. I could barely climb up the stairs. Also, last year I couldn’t do anything with my hands without a brace. My hair was washed in the hospital. In the end I received a 3d printed brace so that I could do it myself again. I received occupational therapy so I could learn how to grab things and try to maintain fine motor skills.
But my future didn’t look bright.
The osteoarthritis continued to progress and I became more  depressed again, but in January 2024 I realized that I could not wear my brace every time and lift things. I used 10 drops a day of the curcumin plus and thought: “Oh would I still be amazed?”.
Now I can lift my leg again. It worked! So temporarily increased it for 1 month to 30 drops per day. Can my hands do anything without a brace? I can climb stairs and I can dance again. I can lift my leg and tie my own laces. I no longer use painkillers and braces. And no more depression.
I’m grateful again!

If after reading all this you still have questions or would like more information, you can reach me personally at:

Phone: 003120191920
Tiktok: @goudendruppelsyvonne
Facebook: Yvonne Piron
Instagram: Yvonnemoeders

Namaste and thank you for letting me share this personal information with you.
I wish you all the best and good things.

Warm greetings,
Yvonne Piron